With our philosophy being 'one club, one family', the focus at Kenilworth is on building strong ties through our players, community and families. As we know the importance of encouraging youth, we aim to create an environment that emphasises fun, commitment, tenacity and teamwork which not only builds the team but also helps to tap into potential and build character in all of our players. The club also has a focus on building a stronger community through football, all coaches, support staff and members are committed to providing an atmosphere that ensures all players and their families are welcomed and encouraged to enjoy our great game.
The Kenilworth Football Club is now welcoming registrations for players wanting to be part of the Kookas junior program.
In 2024 we will be offering the following teams:
Mixed (boys and girls) Competition:
- Under 8: born between 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016
- Under 9: born between 1st January 2015 - 31st December 2015
- Under 10: born between 1st January 2014 - 31st December 2014
- Under 12: born between 1st January 2012 - 31st December 2012
If you are wanting to transfer from another club, that is fantastic and we welcome you!
If you aren't old enough to join one of the above grades or have never played before and want to get started with your footy career,
we also run an Auskick clinic which commences THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15th for kids aged from 5 to 12 years old.
Auskick is held from 5:00pm on Thursday nights!
Our Junior Kookas training sessions start THURSDAY 8th FEBRUARY!
TRAINING DAYS & TIME: Thursdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Games are played on Friday evenings & Sunday mornings with the fixture for Season 2024 to be announced shortly..
The cost for registration is $15, refer to the registration section below for subs fees.
For any questions regarding age groups, competitions, registration fees, payment fees or any other general information questions please contact our Junior President - Daniel Delawyer (Ph: 0420 949 454), Junior Registrar - Trish Conry (Ph: 0481 240 530) or email the club kenilworthjuniors@outlook.com
*Please note: the SA gov sports voucher can only be used once per child per year.
Registrations for 2024 are now open!
At Kenilworth, we are passionate about giving all children the opportunity to play football. We realise economic times are challenging and to that end, we have ensured that our fees are kept at the lowest possible amount.
Sports Voucher
In recognising the importance of building children and communities, the South Australian Government provides each school-age child with a $100 sports voucher for every calendar year. If you haven't already made use of this voucher, be sure to click here* when registering your child to play for Kenilworth Football Club.
Make sure you have your child's Medicare Number handy at the time of registration.
Subscriptions Fees
ALL junior subs in Season 2024 are $200 or $100 with Sports Voucher
PLUS as an added bonus for being a Junior Kooka,
ALL junior players registered for Season 2024 will receive a pair of socks & shorts for FREE
before the start of the 2024 junior season.
We look forward to the 2024 season with the Kookaburras family.
*Please note: the SA gov sports voucher can only be used once per child per year.
The registration fee to SANFL is $15 for all Juniors

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